Friday, 19 August 2022 20:18

Marketing in IT - promote your business

Amadilinc's interactive solutions Amadilinc's interactive solutions pixabay

Although not every developer will be willing to admit it, marketing is a vital part of any industry, and IT is by no means an exception to this.

Of course, the basis of any good project is its solid technological foundation, but even the best solution will be useless if you fail to market it - and IT is notorious for its often high threshold of entry and strict terminology that most laypeople can quickly get lost in. So how do you guarantee the best possible results both in terms of technology and marketing? Let's find out.

Marketing vs. technology

Marketing is itself a very broad industry. People working in marketing can do many things, from writing strictly sales or informational texts to optimizing websites to designing and running entire campaigns for a specific brand or product, and much, much more. Often their work begins at the concept level and ends with the delivery of content and a plan for its distribution.

Marketing professionals are often the bridge between the producer and the consumer. In short, they are able to efficiently characterize a product or service, convey the ideas behind it and get its message across to specific groups of people who may be interested in it. The IT sector is no different in this regard. However, it is worth remembering that it is highly technical, and thus the average consumer may have trouble understanding the message or be unable to distinguish a reliable product from a dud draped in random jargon.

Therefore, close cooperation between IT and marketing departments is crucial. This allows customers to reach for a solid product with confidence and have a good idea of what problem they are solving and how. Marketing is thus a kind of translation from technical to sales language.

Original application

So marketing exists to explain to consumers what they are buying, but how do you turn this into a solid collaboration with an IT department or company that focuses primarily on this industry? As we already know, cooperation with a marketing specialist not infrequently begins at the conceptual stage. This is also what often proves useful when marketing an IT product. To facilitate the subsequent design of a sales campaign, it is worthwhile to clarify at the outset some of the issues that will affect the later stages of implementation. These include, for example:

The target group the product is aimed at. Will it be an application for the average Joe Smith with average interests? For sports enthusiasts with a certain lifestyle? A game aimed at young adults? Each of these options will require focusing on different aspects of the project.

The niche into which the product will fit. What problems does it solve and what needs does it address? Will it have to compete with other products or services in that niche? How will it differentiate itself from them? Determining this will help you avoid creating something "for everything and nothing."

The ideas behind the product and its creators. What is the history of the team or company? What is it striving to achieve? What feelings should our product bring? These aspects will be especially useful when creating the visuals and language that will be associated with the product.

These extremely important questions are great fields for discussion and collaboration between marketing and IT, allowing both sides to find common ground and a better understanding of the tools or metrics around which they will operate.

As a result, developers will be able to create a product that is closely tailored to the needs of a specific audience without having to dilute their resources into unnecessary add-ons, and campaign developers will be able to design a targeted message that accurately reflects all of the product's features.

Turn vision into reality

A similar mechanism occurs when an entire IT company is promoted instead of a single product. While of course the details of a brand design strategy will be very different from advertising a single project, the fundamental principles remain the same. The marketing team will work closely with the founder or originator to establish the goal, niche, and idea, and together deliver a brand that both parties can be proud of.

Especially in the IT industry, marketing will be closely tied to the technical solutions offered by a particular company. Digital marketing opens the door for many opportunities to flex technical muscles, from an interactive website to attractive application demos.

On the other hand, it also opens the door to a lot of creative and out-of-the-box solutions that will allow a company to boast not only an impressive set of technical skills, but also the potential for creative problem-solving and thinking outside the box.

Moreover, a creative advertising campaign has a chance to implant itself in the collective consciousness as not only good marketing, but also as a value in itself. Repeated conventions, phrases, or solutions become the company's signature, so to speak, like Coca-Cola's Christmas truck or KFC's secret blend of eleven herbs and spices.

There are many ways to combine the practical and creative dimensions of building a new company or project. In each of them, however, it's a good idea to base your plan on advice from experts in both fields - IT and Marketing. Amadil Inc's interactive solutions offer exactly that - and much more!

Help from specialists - Amadil Inc

           Amadil Inc is made up of specialists in various fields who help new and already solidly established IT companies in many fields. Specialists who are both in charge of projects from the beginning and able to take over pre-existing projects are just one of the few aspects that help them adapt to specific client needs.

            First,Amadil Inc values communication and transparency. That's why every cooperation is preceded by a consultation, during which issues such as the direction of the project are established, as well as important details and rules of cooperation. This is called the Discovery Phase; both parties discover each other's standards, rules and ways of functioning, in order to then establish a concrete plan of action and the canvass for further cooperation.

            Next, in the Design Phase, comes the crystallization of the goal, which may be to take over a specific project or create an application from scratch. With the combined expertise of both parties, the goal is tailored perfectly to the needs of the client or consumers.

            Finally, in the Development Phase,Amadil Inc team of professionals executes the project's objectives according to the agreed plan, sending regular updates on the status of the project and ensuring that the end result is safe, practical and timeless. As a result, the cooperation delivers a result that both parties can be proud of, and the benefiting IT company can enjoy the results of great marketing.

Marketing and more - Amadil Inc

            However,Amadil Inc is not just a marketing agency - it is much more! Its diverse team of experts delivers not only well-run campaigns and creative solutions, but also solid and practical tools. From a website to a standalone application, innovation and flexibility is what truly constitutes Amadil Inc. Reviews about them are only a fraction of what attest to their effectiveness. More than 200 happily completed projects can't be wrong!

This company works well not only when working with new business or on a brand new project. With its flexibility and diverse team composition,Amadil Inc can also take over existing projects. From those that just need sustaining to those that deserve a complete makeover, Amadil Inc relies on support and open communication at every stage.

Marketing is an essential element of any industry, as it is the link between the manufacturer's offerings and consumer demands. This "translator" aspect is especially important in the case of the IT industry, which often falls prey to grifters who throw around meaningless buzzwords left and right. However, by combining the strengths of Marketing and IT and having an open dialogue, both sides can achieve results far better than just the sum of their skills. That's why a company offering the best parts of both worlds and interactive solutions Amadil Inc can boast great results and a slew of completed projects.

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